Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Prom Surprise

So, Monday Bella had asked me to go help her out with a prom surprise that she was gonna do for someone on Wednesday. Of course, being the best friend that I am, I agreed. But it was odd to me that when she asked me, Jeff kept going, "What time are you going? When will you be back? No not Wednesday!" But stupid little me, I thought it was nothing.

Then comes Wednesday, today, and she told me she'd pick me up around 3 but we'd have to pick up the keys from a friend. Three rolls around and she goes, okay I'm coming at 4 because I have to get more stuff. Now, I'm looking at her away message which says "Hanging out with ______" and I'm like...That's funny cause she's gonna ask him today so she must be tricking him or something. Another stupid act right in front of my eyes. She calls me and tells me she forgot her camera so I was like okay I"ll bring mine. But when I got into the car, there were no balloons or anything. So I figured she dropped them off, but stupid me. So she goes "We still have a lot to do, I have to blow up more balloons." And I say "What time does he get back?" And she responds with 530. It was between 1 and 430 she hung out AND got ready? Now it all comes to me... She's a good liar. But I believed her cause I'm really oblivious, so she says.

She picks me up and we go to Hillstone Park. SHe calls this "friend" and says where are you?! And I guess he said something like "I'm not here yet" because we had to get out of the car and wait for him by the globe. Now it makes me think...why the specific, if he was on the way...shouldn't we have waited by the car so we could go...Oblivious. Then I skip around as she sits down on the bench and i look at the kites and the little tundras down below. Moments later, Daisy goes "Stephanie...What's that over there on that hill?" And I see two half naked boys, which were Raj and JEffrey...holding a sign but I wasn't paying attention to it. "Naked people!" I said. Bella goes "No...THE SIGN" and I'm like..."Prom? Who's getting asked to Prom?" And Joshua jumps out behind me and says "WIll you go to prom with me?" Being the nice person I am I agree.. =D.

I turn to Daisy and say "Why didnt' you record it?!" But then that'd be weird...Anyways, now all the clues are coming back to me. They told me I was looking directly at them when I was walking, but I guess they are really good camoflaugers cause I did not see them. And Daisy is a good liar cause I did not know at all...

After Steve, Josh, Me, and Daisy went to Vallco for tux's. I pretty much said the dumbest thing there along with Josh so Steve and Daisy are gonna nominate us for Bellarmine's Most Oblivious Couple :) SOunds terrific!

Some pictures ... Click on them for a zoom.

1 comment:

daisybelle said...

i know i know. im just so damn good.