Sunday, April 20, 2008

Earnest, Kanye, Lupe, & Pharrell

Today was off the hook. I woke up around 9, went to B of A, then to Lucky's to get flowers for Natalie, Lili, and Chris. Dylon and I went to the play "The Importance of Being Earnest" to watch the lovely, talented people in it. Whom, may I add, I love to death. To you all, I have one word...TALENTED. Damn, especially my babygirl Natalie. Whooohooo! Work it! Aha. Anyways, Dyl and I played Scrabble (Which i rule at) during the times when they weren't performing. So any challengers, besides Katie, hit me up. I'm geeunit.

Around 6, Jeff, Aniqua, Kaneeks, and I started our wonderful journey to the Kanye concert. We parked in a parking structure about 5 minutes or less from the HP which was totally far. But whatever. So we get it, find our seats, and its hella not full...which is a surprise because it's suppose to be a sold out concert. Lupe Fiasco came on and did his thang, which was really cool. He's so talented =D. Then it was a break to switch off stuff for NERD. During "Superstar" Aniqua, Kaneeks, and I went to buy a shirt. It was $40 for a shirt! They make HERRUH bank. So we go back, wait more, and then...The best part of the concert came. SKATEBOARD P niccuhs. He's so sexy. Damn, I wanna marry him. He sang "Lapdance, She wants to move, Rock Star Poser" and a couple of other songs. It was soooo sexy. At first Kanika didn't think he was sexy until she saw him and she changed her mind. That's what sexy things do to you =) aha. OMG they were soooo good! NERD in a whole. Next, Rhianna came on. Dissapointing, like last time at the BooBomb. She was a bit better but she needs to stop letting us sing and she needs to sing to us. But nonetheless, it's all good for the opening acts. We waited like half an hour for Kanye...

They opened up with Kanye laying on the floor of a "spaceship" and desert floors. It was so cool. He incorporated humor, life lessons, and his songs into one story line. It was amazing. I think anybody who didn't go should really really regret not buying tickets cause he was off the heezy. When he sang "Hey Mama" I was about to cry. He was really into it. I was too! But this white bitch was smoking hella next to me and she couldn't dance and kept coming into my space. I kept hinting her to move back by nudging her but oh well. Her high ass didn't comprehend. So I let her be, seeing that 4/20 is tomorrow (today right now.) It was sooo incredible!!!! I wouldn't have traded this concert for anything. Great line up. I hope NERD comes to town and does their own. Period.

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