Friday, June 13, 2008

Water and Smoke

Oh my! Today was officially the last day of going to school before our big day (Graduation!) It started off with a big breakfast at school that was quite shitty. We spent about an hour or two there having other people sign our yearbooks. So sad. Then Steph and I went to 4 different places to find a cheap place to trim our hair. We ended up just getting a haircut anyawys for hella cheap cause I'm cool like that. It was fun.

Then I got ready at 12 with Steph for our slip n slide/hot tub party, which ended up to be pretty cool, I guess. There was food and water fun for the day. I got so tanned in these last few days, its redonkulous! Naji says silly things when he's out in his world, and Jimmy is mean for wanting to kick my dogs. While Naji was hot tubbing we had a talk about college and stuff which was pretty cool. I told him I applied to Mac Grill and he started to crave. Which leads me to the next part.

Daisy, Brione, Naji and I ate dinner at pasta p around 8pm. We had a fun time laughing at Daisy's OCD and Brione's dumb remarks that AREN'T FUNNY when he tries to be. (Steph: Brione do you wanna split something with me? Brione: How bout you just eat what you can and then give the rest to me?! Steph: That's splitting dumbass!) haha. It's funny cause i just met Brione last Friday at the dance which was totally weird that we became friends at the end of our senior literally the end! We then decided what to do after eating and our options were between hookah and stripping. Haha.

So we ended up at the Hookah Nites Cafe which was really cute. Coincidently, Jeffrey and posse ended up there. They looked "sleepy." Naj's friends came and we all talked while sharing a hookah. It was amazing...After, we couldn't think of anything else to do cause the boys were poor, so we decided to go home. It was a really enjoyable night. =) Yay, again crew?

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