Saturday, June 14, 2008


Well today was the big day. Woke up at 745 to get ready. We're having a bbq after graduation so my parents were already up.. I wasn't really nervous when I was at home, but I started to get nervous as we walked into the doors of the San Jose State Event Center. As Pomp and Circumstance played, I looked around into the practically full stadium trying to find people that I knew. I saw my mom taking pictures of me. She looked like a paparazzi. Anyways, we sat down and the ceremony began. As I sat there listening to the speeches of the valedictorians, I realized something...

High School was fun, not because of all the people you met, but because all those people showed you so many different things. I mean, it's so diverse, especially in San Jose, California, and I'm proud to say that I attended Evergreen Valley High School as a cougar =). In my past four years, I've made friends, lost friends, lost hope, gained hope, and like Nelson said..."Most importantly...made memories." I will never forget all those people who have been in my life and that are still there by my side until this day. Your impact on me was great and I wouldn't trade my four years of high school for anything. I do regret something, of course.

Now listen up all high school students. If you can avoid drama, do it. Cause when you look back after graduation, it's really a waste of time and a waste of energy. Honestly, shit talking will always happen, even when you graduate. So stop telling people you'll beat their ass cause they called you a sluthoebitch with and STD. And if you end up do beating their ass, think about why you beat their ass. I've been there, done that. You end up realizing it was stupid and you just stop talking to each other all together. And for those mamas that love to talk shit when a girl is jockin' on your man, just think that you're lucky enough that he wants to be with you and not with that hizzo.

Though it can be fun with all the gossip, you look back, like I do, realizing that you've lost some of the most important people that were in your life. And this is for the doesn't hit you until you get out of school and practice walking across the stage the last week, but those people that are in your lives will only be there until summer is over, if not already. I always told myself I would see these people everyday of the year so it really didn't matter as much. But it does. Your best friends now will be attending totally different schools than you. You may not even get to see them more than three times in your 8 months of continuous schooling. Take advantage of what you have at the moment. Fuck drama in the ass. Live your senior year like it'll be over the next day. Yes, very cliche, but it's very true.

And to my fellow 08ers that have been there everyday of my 4 years. Thank you for making it a wonderful, memorable year. There are those certain people that know that they've made and impact on my life, good or bad. But regardless, let's drop all the high school bull shit and start a new slate. There's no use looking back on the old shit cause how would that help us in life? Hi I'm Stephanie...and I'd love to start new.

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