Thursday, June 26, 2008

You Will Always Be...

Woke up went to De Anza. It was shit.. Pedicure with Mimi...Pretty sweet. But the highlight of my day was chillin` with you.

"I'm gonna pull a you." Yeah, I will soon. But don't forget that we'll still be friends even if I pull a you. Or even if you attempt to jump out of my car. You're amazing and I've told you that. When I'm gone, don't eat that much taco soup or get caught up with people you shouldn't be around. So I keep you to your word, "EVERY WEEKEND." And don't forget, God will punish you if you keep believing that I'm God. Oh PS, try the talking thing I've told you about. If you talk to the right person, you'll love it. Nigga, I heart you.

"I'd rather be in your top in your pretty little brain & in your corazon than on Myspace."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Myspace is Bullshit

First let me start off by saying that Naji and I have a shirt company if anyone wants to buy it =) We've been chillin and thinking of shit. ahahah. "Green my life." Copyrighted. Interpret it however the hell you want.

Secondly, I believe that though MySpace really allows people to keep in touch and express themselves, it's a whole bunch of bullshit. Honestly, half the people on my friend list are people who I can barely call a "friend." I just keep them on to look at their profiles since everything's on private anyways. Which, may I add is pretty dumb, no offense, cause if you put that much information on it to force it to be private, you're pretty dumb. Well that's not addressing everyone, cause some people just like their privacy. Nonetheless, friends on MySpace are probably not even your friends. I'm not saying you randomly asked people to add you with a message saying "I loved your profile and I believe that we'd make great friends," and then later they say "Thanks for adding me," when in reality, they added you cause they had no REAL friends or a life for that matter. Hmm wow, maybe I should delete them so I don't contradict myself more than I just did.

I also believe that top friends on Myspace is bullshit cause it causes so much damn drama. Honestly, do you really rate the order of your friends? For people who have like top 4, and it's honestly the top 4 people in your life, that's cool. But top 36 or some shit like that, CMON NOW! Are you really THAT close to that many people and comfortable enough with them to rank them? Or has it been 2 weeks, and y'all think you're so close, that you get to be on each other's tops? When in reality, you'll take them down eventually cause your friendship blossomed and bloomed way too fast. And people who actually care about being on someone's top...why? If they want you on their top they'll put you on, why are you gonna tell them to put you up? I think it's rediculous but that's my opinion. Yeah I have a top 12, but they're on private so no one will cry to me about it. I uno, if you like that shit so be it.

Oh well, that's my opinion for tonight. It's not directed to anyone. It was just a thought since I used to rank friends myself. First hand fighter.

PS Take me off your top 100 or whatever you have.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Really...It's Immature

Dear You,

I always had a feeling that we would stop being friends if it ever got this far. And it's gotten too far. Despite my attempts to stop this whole masquerade, it continued and now look. We're losing everything, including our friendship. It was hard to believe it when people said that we'd stop being friends. I thought you were stronger than that. I thought you and I had a friendship that would never end like this. I've been trying to save our friendship and never stopped trying to keep it up. But it's just a big problem now. Maybe, we shouldn't even bother with it. It takes two to tango, but you just left me out in the cold to perform by myself. And I do not take that shit, and you had no right to do that. You're full of bullshit.

Grow up and stop being immature about shit. If you have a problem with me, come to me and no one else. You spreading shit makes you look weak as fuck. Confront me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Day of Summer

At 12 am this morning, my parents found out about my wrist tattoo...Which is crazy. Like always, dad was the calm one and mom went loco on me. But it's all good...

Woke up at 700 to get ready for the first day of summer at EVC taking classes. But little did I know my waiting list number was the last one on both lists. Anyways, so I get out of my 2nd class and I go to Starbucks, where I started my job hunt. Filled out an application and headed over to SCORE and curve. Nothing. I go home and chill and slept...playing piano and shit like that. Then I went to Valley Fair with Bella to buy Mac Make up cause its fun to do that when you're bored. Then I go home, more piano and shit. Then dance from 7-10. It was fun. Then we stopped by Brione's parlay and then visited Naj and his sexy friends at Round Table. My parents were buzzing my collar so I had to go home ASAP. It was fun though. Some shitty moments happened that will remain unsaid. Hahahah.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Well today was the big day. Woke up at 745 to get ready. We're having a bbq after graduation so my parents were already up.. I wasn't really nervous when I was at home, but I started to get nervous as we walked into the doors of the San Jose State Event Center. As Pomp and Circumstance played, I looked around into the practically full stadium trying to find people that I knew. I saw my mom taking pictures of me. She looked like a paparazzi. Anyways, we sat down and the ceremony began. As I sat there listening to the speeches of the valedictorians, I realized something...

High School was fun, not because of all the people you met, but because all those people showed you so many different things. I mean, it's so diverse, especially in San Jose, California, and I'm proud to say that I attended Evergreen Valley High School as a cougar =). In my past four years, I've made friends, lost friends, lost hope, gained hope, and like Nelson said..."Most importantly...made memories." I will never forget all those people who have been in my life and that are still there by my side until this day. Your impact on me was great and I wouldn't trade my four years of high school for anything. I do regret something, of course.

Now listen up all high school students. If you can avoid drama, do it. Cause when you look back after graduation, it's really a waste of time and a waste of energy. Honestly, shit talking will always happen, even when you graduate. So stop telling people you'll beat their ass cause they called you a sluthoebitch with and STD. And if you end up do beating their ass, think about why you beat their ass. I've been there, done that. You end up realizing it was stupid and you just stop talking to each other all together. And for those mamas that love to talk shit when a girl is jockin' on your man, just think that you're lucky enough that he wants to be with you and not with that hizzo.

Though it can be fun with all the gossip, you look back, like I do, realizing that you've lost some of the most important people that were in your life. And this is for the doesn't hit you until you get out of school and practice walking across the stage the last week, but those people that are in your lives will only be there until summer is over, if not already. I always told myself I would see these people everyday of the year so it really didn't matter as much. But it does. Your best friends now will be attending totally different schools than you. You may not even get to see them more than three times in your 8 months of continuous schooling. Take advantage of what you have at the moment. Fuck drama in the ass. Live your senior year like it'll be over the next day. Yes, very cliche, but it's very true.

And to my fellow 08ers that have been there everyday of my 4 years. Thank you for making it a wonderful, memorable year. There are those certain people that know that they've made and impact on my life, good or bad. But regardless, let's drop all the high school bull shit and start a new slate. There's no use looking back on the old shit cause how would that help us in life? Hi I'm Stephanie...and I'd love to start new.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Water and Smoke

Oh my! Today was officially the last day of going to school before our big day (Graduation!) It started off with a big breakfast at school that was quite shitty. We spent about an hour or two there having other people sign our yearbooks. So sad. Then Steph and I went to 4 different places to find a cheap place to trim our hair. We ended up just getting a haircut anyawys for hella cheap cause I'm cool like that. It was fun.

Then I got ready at 12 with Steph for our slip n slide/hot tub party, which ended up to be pretty cool, I guess. There was food and water fun for the day. I got so tanned in these last few days, its redonkulous! Naji says silly things when he's out in his world, and Jimmy is mean for wanting to kick my dogs. While Naji was hot tubbing we had a talk about college and stuff which was pretty cool. I told him I applied to Mac Grill and he started to crave. Which leads me to the next part.

Daisy, Brione, Naji and I ate dinner at pasta p around 8pm. We had a fun time laughing at Daisy's OCD and Brione's dumb remarks that AREN'T FUNNY when he tries to be. (Steph: Brione do you wanna split something with me? Brione: How bout you just eat what you can and then give the rest to me?! Steph: That's splitting dumbass!) haha. It's funny cause i just met Brione last Friday at the dance which was totally weird that we became friends at the end of our senior literally the end! We then decided what to do after eating and our options were between hookah and stripping. Haha.

So we ended up at the Hookah Nites Cafe which was really cute. Coincidently, Jeffrey and posse ended up there. They looked "sleepy." Naj's friends came and we all talked while sharing a hookah. It was amazing...After, we couldn't think of anything else to do cause the boys were poor, so we decided to go home. It was a really enjoyable night. =) Yay, again crew?

Monday, June 2, 2008


Alrighty. Yesterday I had cotillion practice and it was uber fun. Bryant is sexy, yes we all know that, don't we? =) Anyways, Trav, Daisy, and I came back to my house and we just randomly decided to do a music video. How did this randomness come about? THey made me buff their nails and we were listening to music while I was being LingLing. So, this is our world premier:

Don't take our boredom too seriously, now. We just love to have fun. No shame. We love the attention.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Torture, Much?

So I was reading Daisy's blog about the past week, and I realized that I have had a really great week torturing myself. I was amazing, really.

Monday: MEMORIAL DAY BBQ - that was fun, cept when i started ranting my racist jokes and laughing at myself cause I thought I was the funniest person ever. Then out of no where, my cousin's gf goes, "You know I'm _______, right?" Shit, then I was screwed. =/

Tuesday: SENIOR DITCH DAY - Honestly, I ditched even if I stayed home with Stephanie doing our Stats project =D <---thats for stephanie ;] But at least it was productive. Everyone went out to the beach or what not, and I stayed home chillin with my math book and my h.girl. Seriously, that shit is PRICELESS. Don't be jealous, boo. Wednesday/Thursday: I forgot what I did but it was probably shitty. Friday: PIERCING, AGAIN! So I'm in 6th, and Daisy texts me and goes "lets go get pierced, im ready." and im thinking that shes trippin cause the previous day she bought body jewlrey, but i didnt think she was foreall. So i'm down cause I'm totally up to get pierced anytime. (I got my tragus, tongue, and navel pierced twice). So we go, and Valerie goes with us, and it was hella funny but I'm gonna keep that confidential because I don't want anyone getting emotional. Daisy goes first, and she's like covering her face and good thing she didn't cry. Then it was my turn. I was chillin but I was like seriously sweatin and that's never happened to me before. I get off after I'm done and then Daisy goes, "Mine looks crooked." So our piercer puts her back on the bed thing and I'm about to fucking drop. (I just want to let you know, Daisy, that I knew it was your jewlrey.) So I tell Val that I need air and I can't walk myself so she goes out with me. I go out and I'm drifting back and forth on Val. Daisy comes out and then tells me I'm pale and then I yaked. =) There was red stuff in my puke, so I go "Val, is that blood?" and she tells me it is. Then I realized I ate hot cheetoes during 4th. So, for all you NOOBS, eat before you get pierced. I never thought it was a big deal until then.

Saturday: Studying for Finals! Yep, I had 8 hours of fun studying physiology.

That was my shitty-fun week. Hopefully, I'll have more fun next week. Cause its my last week of fucking high school. YEAHHH FUCKKK HIGH SCHOOL I'M IN COLLEGE NOW. kinda.