Sunday, May 18, 2008


This weekend my parentals and I took a trip down to Riverside to visit UCR. Let me tell you that San Jose may feel hot as hell, but I feel hella bad for those cows in SoCal that have to endure the 100+ degree heat. Seriously, it was smokin down there. 102 degrees, a tour guide told me. Fuck...that's a downer.

Anyways, so from Bakersfield, which is 3.5 hours from San Jose, it's another 3 hours from Bakersfield to get to Riverisde, making a total of about 6.5 hours from San Jose to Riverside. Quite a long way from my parents when I really think about it. But then I think, San Diego's a little farther. Nonetheless, it's hot and far. So we got there around 1230pm and hung around until our tour started. As we toured the campus, I realized that though it was a nice looking, smallish school, all the construction really hurt my views on the campus itself. But my dad says construction is good cause that means they get a lot more money and is trying to expand. Alot of the construction, however, will be done by the time I go there in the fall, if I decide to go. So, I'm looking foward to that. I really like the mountains that surround the school itself. It makes it very isolated-ish, but I dislike it because it looks like we're in a desert.

So we continued the tour, and it was NOTHING like Merced, where everything was new but not enough trees. There were lots of trees and such. And there were also PEOPLE around. The dorms were pretty and it seemed as if there were ALOT of minorities (I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing). The tour guide told me that UCR was 1st in Cali to have the most diverse campus and 3rd in the nation for that too. So, I guess that's a good thing. The day I went they were having their Spring Splash where all these different artists come to play and stuff. Bone Thugz and Harmony and The Pack were there. So that's a plus cause they have things like that every quarter! Haha.

As a conclusion, I guess UCR isn't a bad school. Though people don't hear about it much, it's still around and people should really look into it. I mean, it's not FULLY developed yet, but it's 50 years old! Yes, they do accept mostly everyone but they're trying to make a name for themselves I guess. Overall, I like UCR. I don't know why some people look at it as a crappy UC. It's still a UC and it's nice. Yeah, if I had the choice I'd go to another UC, but I got accepted to UCR with, I'm sure, a whole bunch of other people, and I might as well take my opportunity to go there. Foreal though, UCR is NOT ALL for the rejected. There's an 11 year old kid there, and out of all colleges, he picked UCR. So tell me why some people think it's still shit. There are some really cool facts about UCR. And, if you took the time to hear about it, I'm sure it'd catch you attention too. I'm not telling people to go there and that it's the best school ever. But it's really not as bad as everyone thinks. Anyways, I like it and I'm looking foward to visiting it again.

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