Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset

Work has been keeping my loser life busy. Today I changed my first diaper there. It was pretty damn nasty, but whatever. Gotta learn now to prepare myself for motherhood...WHEN I GRADUATE, niggas. Anyways, it's fun. I work early mornings or even nights someitmes. I worked 30 hours in the last two weeks, which is alrright since its my 3rd week anyways. I mean, it's pretty cool cause I get the free membership while I stay there. Which isn't very long considering I'm moving out on September 20th.

Today, though, was really fun. I went to the beach the first time this whole entire year with my besties. Kanika, Jeff, Daisy, Rej, Joshie, and Rajie Paji came. We met at my house when I got off work at 130 and then hit the road around 2ish? The ride there was literally breath taking. I thought I was gonna puke cause Daisy's little Honda didn't have shocks. But it was fun in the car cause she busied us up with conversation. We played ultimate frisbie, which may I add and let the world know that I suck at, for a while, took pics and ate as we enjoyed the pretty nice weather and warm sand. We won frisbie cause I cheerleaded and distracted. Haha. And Raj hit me on accident (I guess) with it, which was my worst fear. We left around 6ish and it took us an hour an a half to get home.

On the way home, Kaneeks and I were with Jeffrey. He bought us fresh strawberries which were delicious. We threw some out the window (the stems I mean.) =X Raj was dancing and rapping to the beats playing from his iPod that we were all listening to. Joshie made me laugh hella hard once again. Raj asked him to push the fast forward button and Josh pressed the screen with the fast forward symbols on it. He thought it was touch screen but it was one of the puny screens that tell you what track it is. Ahaha love that boy. Anyways well, now I'm uploading pics onto facebook. I got work tomorrow and cotillion practice so I'm going to get some rest. Peashhh.

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