Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Friend Worth Everything

And finally the day came. Steph's cotillion was on the 18th and the whole day was just soexciting.
She woke up early cause she called me around 8. We left around 930 to run some errands and at 10 I took her to Bobby K's to get her hair did. It took about an hour or soand she looked gorgeous already. Came home around 11 and we started hair and make up. It was fun chillin` with all the ladies, cause they're cutesey. At 2pm, the boys joined us and around 3 we went to get Baskin Robins cause Sarah was cravin'. We came back and up and left.
We went to the Milpitas Community Center and we had half and hour before we were allowed in. So we took pictures and then me, Daisy, Tony, Linh, and Chels went back to Daisy's to get her CD for salsa. Came back, and practiced.
630 rolled around and we got fitted and everyone looked smashin! We took pictures with the debutant, who may I add, looked like a princess. Then the party started, and all the practices were worth it. I made new friends, had a lot of fun at the parlay, and reallized my partner is the best.
STEPHANIEASIATICOGALIGUIS If I could make a speech to you, this is it. Thank you is all I can really say. Since Freshman year, we've been good friends, never the best of friends, until now. You are really the best of the best. I've told you things that you've kept under lock and key. We've shared really fun moments together, and they will always be cherished. You've been my "twin" and we honestly have that twin connection =) College is coming, and we're going our separate ways after 4 years. I want you to know that I love you dearly. There's nothing in the world that I will trade for our friendship but I would give up everything to keep it. You are an amazing girl and seeing you at your Cotillion was wonderful. You looked so beautiful and you are all grown up. No matter what path we stroll on in the future, I know that we will meet back up because we, as friends, were definitely meant to be. I love you, bestie.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The World of Darkness

I'm sitting out on my balcony with the sweet sound of serenity surrounding me. And I'm thinking "I love my life. It's THE life. But I hate the world?" Sound weird? I mean, violence is everywhere. You watch the news in the morning, and something probably happened over night. And pollution. People say they wanna live on this planet, this beautiful world, yet they trash it and make our children's children's children's children's live in what will soon be called HELL. Hatred surrounds us, our children are learning the darkness of the world faster than we did.

I mean, I honestly always told myself to fuck what everyone else thought and only think of myself. Just live my life. And I only started doing it when I got outta that hell whole High School. I love my life and I'm livin it, baby, you best believe it. I don't care what the hell you think or anyone else thinks. If you have an opinion, please be my guest and do what you like with it.

But does it get you far in life? Talking about me? I remember someone told me that he heard I broke up with my "Best Friend Ex Boyfriend" cause I was cheatin' on him. At first I was like, "What the fuck? Who would say that?" But then I realized they were talkin' and makin' up their own stories cause they couldn't get the truth outta no one. Which is probably what happened cause I only told some people what really went down. When I was thinking about this whole thing, I was gonna write to all you people who believed it and started to spread it. No. I won't cause that'll just say that I'm weak and I wanna tell you my personal things and I have no self dignity. But I do. My shit will stay my shit. So if you wanna believe I cheated on my boyfriend, you do it. I am honored to have stories made up about me. And it will be you who will make me infamous.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset

Work has been keeping my loser life busy. Today I changed my first diaper there. It was pretty damn nasty, but whatever. Gotta learn now to prepare myself for motherhood...WHEN I GRADUATE, niggas. Anyways, it's fun. I work early mornings or even nights someitmes. I worked 30 hours in the last two weeks, which is alrright since its my 3rd week anyways. I mean, it's pretty cool cause I get the free membership while I stay there. Which isn't very long considering I'm moving out on September 20th.

Today, though, was really fun. I went to the beach the first time this whole entire year with my besties. Kanika, Jeff, Daisy, Rej, Joshie, and Rajie Paji came. We met at my house when I got off work at 130 and then hit the road around 2ish? The ride there was literally breath taking. I thought I was gonna puke cause Daisy's little Honda didn't have shocks. But it was fun in the car cause she busied us up with conversation. We played ultimate frisbie, which may I add and let the world know that I suck at, for a while, took pics and ate as we enjoyed the pretty nice weather and warm sand. We won frisbie cause I cheerleaded and distracted. Haha. And Raj hit me on accident (I guess) with it, which was my worst fear. We left around 6ish and it took us an hour an a half to get home.

On the way home, Kaneeks and I were with Jeffrey. He bought us fresh strawberries which were delicious. We threw some out the window (the stems I mean.) =X Raj was dancing and rapping to the beats playing from his iPod that we were all listening to. Joshie made me laugh hella hard once again. Raj asked him to push the fast forward button and Josh pressed the screen with the fast forward symbols on it. He thought it was touch screen but it was one of the puny screens that tell you what track it is. Ahaha love that boy. Anyways well, now I'm uploading pics onto facebook. I got work tomorrow and cotillion practice so I'm going to get some rest. Peashhh.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Down the Drain

I got money for graduation.
I make money.
I work for my money.

Yet, I am a broke muhhfucker.
I spend my money faster than the speed of sound.

Stop spending on useless shit, Stephanie!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Downs of Summer

Shit. So I got a job at Club One behind Oakridge and I do Play Care. It's pretty fun cause the little kids say REDONKULOUS shit. I don't work everyday but I work 4 hour shifts. But today I have no work and it's really got me thinking. This is the first summer I've had to do nothing but whatever I want, cause all the other summers I had summer school. And it's SO BORING!

I mean, all my friends are either working when I'm not or they're on vacation or with their boos. And if it's not that, I'm broke as fuck. I've been fanatically shopping on eBay cause I'm so damn bored. Summers slowly coming to an end and I've hung out with...barely anyone. And I can't go on vacation cause school tuition is too much. Oh shit, I'm going nuts.

And, the whether sucks balls.