Sunday, March 30, 2008

18 Years Legal.

So yesterday was the big day. Not only was it my real birthday, it was the biggest birthday party I've ever. Woke up around 830 and got ready to pick up a cake and the frame with Tinh. Around 11 we headed to Mission and we unwrapped the candles for about an hour. I then went to the Evergreen Beauty College on Capitol and Aborn to get my hair done. Valerie had suggested it to me the night before to get my hair done at a beauty college since I was on a budget. The guy that did my hair was brilliant. I didn't even tell him what I wanted and he read my mind or something cause it turned out the same way I was thinking about doing it---if that makes sense at all. I got my hair done for $20 and it was worth every dollar. Ha. After my hair, Tinh dropped me off at home and I headed to Daisy's house who does my make up for every occassion, so duh she would do it for me on my birthday. It was the best work ever. I loved it. It was suttle, yet really beautiful. Thanks mamas. So after I headed to Mission again to help Tat's mom decorate. 530 came around fast!

The party soon began and the food looked good. I expected more people but whoever came was more than I could ask for. They seriously made the party worth the money. Thank you so much to those of you who came. And the presents were off the hook. Thank you so much! Each of you put a lot of thought into your presents. I could tell cause it kinda showed who you thought I was or how well you knew me. Like Andy Tran...that book is really amazing and it gives me alot of shit to do haha. And Michael Ho...I really liked your gift, especially since we have to watch it together since we never did. And to all the ladies that bought me purses, haha, thanks! You guys know that I like bags. Make up givers and clothing givers. Damn, it was seriously a really good way of knowing how you saw my style. Thanks everyone!

I was pretty upset at those who RSVP'd and didn't come. Especially those that didn't tell me or call me. It was pretty fucked up since I pay per person that RSVP'd. The food isn't cheap. But at least I had people who ate as much as they could to help me out. I'm not mad that you didn't come. I'm mad because it's rude. Think about it before you RSVP. Seriously people, if you can't make it, the LEAST you can do is call. I feel as if I should tell you to pay, but I'm not that mean. So, hopefully you won't make someone else feel like that in the future.

On a happier note, the after party was crackin. Well I guess only for me since I was the only one pretty tipsy. People! I wasn't drunk cause I remember EVERYTHING that EVERYONE said. So test me bitches. The only thing was that I couldn't open my eyes cause I was sleepy and I had a headache and all I wanted to do was eat pretzels and laugh. Yeah...okay well thanks guys for taking care of me. Specially cakes.

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