Monday, March 31, 2008

Last Day of the Last HS Spring Break

Homework all probably the worst last day of spring break ever.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

18 Years Legal.

So yesterday was the big day. Not only was it my real birthday, it was the biggest birthday party I've ever. Woke up around 830 and got ready to pick up a cake and the frame with Tinh. Around 11 we headed to Mission and we unwrapped the candles for about an hour. I then went to the Evergreen Beauty College on Capitol and Aborn to get my hair done. Valerie had suggested it to me the night before to get my hair done at a beauty college since I was on a budget. The guy that did my hair was brilliant. I didn't even tell him what I wanted and he read my mind or something cause it turned out the same way I was thinking about doing it---if that makes sense at all. I got my hair done for $20 and it was worth every dollar. Ha. After my hair, Tinh dropped me off at home and I headed to Daisy's house who does my make up for every occassion, so duh she would do it for me on my birthday. It was the best work ever. I loved it. It was suttle, yet really beautiful. Thanks mamas. So after I headed to Mission again to help Tat's mom decorate. 530 came around fast!

The party soon began and the food looked good. I expected more people but whoever came was more than I could ask for. They seriously made the party worth the money. Thank you so much to those of you who came. And the presents were off the hook. Thank you so much! Each of you put a lot of thought into your presents. I could tell cause it kinda showed who you thought I was or how well you knew me. Like Andy Tran...that book is really amazing and it gives me alot of shit to do haha. And Michael Ho...I really liked your gift, especially since we have to watch it together since we never did. And to all the ladies that bought me purses, haha, thanks! You guys know that I like bags. Make up givers and clothing givers. Damn, it was seriously a really good way of knowing how you saw my style. Thanks everyone!

I was pretty upset at those who RSVP'd and didn't come. Especially those that didn't tell me or call me. It was pretty fucked up since I pay per person that RSVP'd. The food isn't cheap. But at least I had people who ate as much as they could to help me out. I'm not mad that you didn't come. I'm mad because it's rude. Think about it before you RSVP. Seriously people, if you can't make it, the LEAST you can do is call. I feel as if I should tell you to pay, but I'm not that mean. So, hopefully you won't make someone else feel like that in the future.

On a happier note, the after party was crackin. Well I guess only for me since I was the only one pretty tipsy. People! I wasn't drunk cause I remember EVERYTHING that EVERYONE said. So test me bitches. The only thing was that I couldn't open my eyes cause I was sleepy and I had a headache and all I wanted to do was eat pretzels and laugh. Yeah...okay well thanks guys for taking care of me. Specially cakes.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grr. Long day.

So today was a pretty long day. Woke up at 8 cause Tati's momma called me to pick up the helium. Then I went to get gas. I was pretty scared to drive my damn car cause i was on low. I'm talkin' like the fucking gas light came on two days ago low. But I made it, Thank the lord. So usually my $40 can fill the tank to pretty much full, but it got me 3/4ths.

Seriously ... just a thought, what is up with our world? Damn people need to really start usin' them rubbers so our world won't get over populated and our resources won't get used up that fast. That would probably result in cheaper prices.

Anyways, Daisy and val came over to do my birthday photoshoot. Pretty much sounds conceided but it was for the thing you sign when guest come in. I'm not a really good model so I had a lot of direction to take into account. That damn beezy Daisy made me lay in my neighbor's uncut wet grass with my tanktop. Whatever, I gotta give her credits cause the picture turned out pretty sick. Then I went off to get helium with Tinh. After that I went to watch Horton Wears a Who with Dyl. It was hella funny. We ate at Red Robins after and talked about stuff that better stay at the table, you shit. Anyways, it was fun. I was gonna go get my nails did with Kaneeks, but there was a long line and Dyl wanted a pedicure. Hahaha. But I took him to Elaine's before I got my nails done. That was my day.

Now I'm siked for turning 18. Legalized will be fucking dope. Yay for the 18 years and older jobs, cause I want to do that! That's right...I can be a stripper. My dream job! Then when you say "hit that bitch, oh go," you'll be payin for it before you go . =)

Peace niggas. I'm off to bed. Another long day lies ahead of me. I got to do HOMEWORK. Foreal this time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I promised myself I wouldn't go out today cause I had that damn research paper to do but I did. At least I finished my appeal to Davis though! Anyways, Daisy, Jefe, Raj, Steve, and I went to San Mateo to eat the all you can eat (kinda) sushi. First I went to Chel's cotillion practice which was pretty productive. Haha. Then Jeff came over. As we waited for the rest of the gang, we sat with my dog in my backyard and did nothing. It was fun I guess. Whatever. Then the rest came and I got shotgun for the first time!!! Yay for me. So we got to San Mateo at 230 and fuckin the place was packed as fuck. We were like 5th on the waiting list so we went to buy stuff at the Japanese dollar store. I bought a lunch container thing. It was $1 and its so fucking sickkk. So we finally get in around 3, but that's when the all you can eat ends!! So Daisy, of couse we know Daisy would do this, was like "But we came here at 230 so...." So the lady told us we had half an hour to order and the hungry hippo Raj was like "Will you bring our food fast then?" lmao. It was funny. So we ordered right away. They actually gave us like an hour. At the end of our amazing lunch, we had some sushi left over, but they wont let you take it for some odd reason. They rather waste it then let you take it. So I remembered I had the lunch container, so my brilliant mind told me to take it out and stuff as much shit in there as I could. I opened the lunch container and ANOTHER ONE FELL OUT OF IT. I was so fucking amazed. So I took some sushi home. We stopped by Quickly's on the way back to the car and Daisy owes me money and so does Jeff cause we ordered $10 of shit just for a shitty Nutella crepe for Daisy's fat ass. Oh well.

On the way home, I really needed to pee so we had to stop by jack in the box near amc Mercado. Then we all went home and I went home and finished my homework. I'm so proud!

Tell me why though I fucking turned down Sexy's offer to go out? STEPHANIE G....tell me what the fuck is wrong with me? Party and Sexy? That's fucking off the hook. TOo bad I'm so dedicated to school that I turned it down ahahahahahahahahah. Whatever. Tease, foreal.

Tomorrow I have a photoshoot with my lovely Nguyen sisters. Haha. Ugh long day tomorrow. I still got decorations to do for the party and my nails. I'm not gonna lie. My party's gonna be G.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Battle 2008

We started off Battle practice not so well. With fighting, lack of communication, lack of attendance, and unclean dances, we really became intimidated when all the lower class men began to look way better than us. And as seniors, we should have been confident in our class and ourselves, but we weren't. Nonetheless, we really pulled through. Though the crowd wasn't the best, without 07 (haha), we really ignored it all and put on the best show we could. I'm really proud of our senior class. The ones who took the time and effort to participate, whether it be games or just attending for spirit.

And JR, we've been friends for hella long and though we don't talk much anymore or dont always read the same page, I wanted to tell you that you're a great president, even if i complained a little at the beginning. I'm proud of you and all the work you've done. Love you.

I must say, this year's battle wasn't the BEST (for some reasons that seniors know about), but WE were the best. Class of 08, and other classes, we rocked that shit. No doubt, everyone deserved first, well maybe except freshman (jk). Remember, it's a class unity thing. Our last battle really brought everyone together.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Peelings and Tots

Ugh. Battle next Friday.
I want to sleep in more!!!
Birthday party in 3 weeks.
Feenin` for some love.
Grades need to go up.
I need to eat more.
Worried about party.
Cravin` something sweet.
I miss my mommy.
No more drama in my life.
Need to find a freakin dress.
Wantin` something sexy.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Daisy Belle's 18th Birthday

Happy Birthday, dearest.

Yesterday was Daisy's birthday party and it was at Maggiano's. It was a pretty long day I must admit. I first went to take my mom to get a hair cut at like 2 cause Kanika wouldn't answer her phone and we were all supposed to go get Daisy a gift. Then at 3, she called and said she was just gonna go with Trav, so Jeff and I were running super late. At 4, I got ready and picked up Jeff and we went to Michael's to try to look for a frame, but they dind't have none. We decided (or Jeff decided) to switch cars because my car sucked and we picked up Steve on the way. We then went to get gas but I forgot my extra clothes, so I had to go back. So it was like 530 and we thought were gonna be late cause we had to pick up Jeff's suit still. When we got to the tailor's, they were closed. So boo for Jeff. That's okay though cause we went to Maggiano's to eat.

When we arrived, we waited for like an hour before they sat us. But whatever cause the wait was worth if cause we got helluh food. THe food never stopped coming it was just nonstop. We ate and mingled and it was pretty cool. We were gonna go to the lounge after but they were beginning to card. So we decided to go to Steve's. But only Jeff me Daisy and Steve ended up going and it was pretty sick. I talked to Steve's cat, Pepper, and she talked to me. haha. And we played pool, which pretty much was not that fun because Jeff and I lost because Steve plays everyday and he hella knows how to hit that shit. So Daisy and I went home around 1 and she slept over. We really didn't sleep until 3.

Did you know theres a word called "niglett?" Someone called Daisy that on her myspace and we looked it up on
Nigglett: An underdeveloped adolescent of the dark skinned heritage; A black male or female under the age of 10
example: That little nigglett is really fast, look at him run from those cops. He cant be any taller than 4 foot.
That's really racist and fucked up. Damn, the words people come up with. So, Daisy and I were joking and we were like, "So what are little asians - nipnits?"

We woke up between 7-8am and went to Jeff's house at 10. We just chilled and watched youtube and now I'm wiating to go to Disney Princess Wishes on Ice with Tinh and his neices. Excited!!