Sunday, June 1, 2008

Torture, Much?

So I was reading Daisy's blog about the past week, and I realized that I have had a really great week torturing myself. I was amazing, really.

Monday: MEMORIAL DAY BBQ - that was fun, cept when i started ranting my racist jokes and laughing at myself cause I thought I was the funniest person ever. Then out of no where, my cousin's gf goes, "You know I'm _______, right?" Shit, then I was screwed. =/

Tuesday: SENIOR DITCH DAY - Honestly, I ditched even if I stayed home with Stephanie doing our Stats project =D <---thats for stephanie ;] But at least it was productive. Everyone went out to the beach or what not, and I stayed home chillin with my math book and my h.girl. Seriously, that shit is PRICELESS. Don't be jealous, boo. Wednesday/Thursday: I forgot what I did but it was probably shitty. Friday: PIERCING, AGAIN! So I'm in 6th, and Daisy texts me and goes "lets go get pierced, im ready." and im thinking that shes trippin cause the previous day she bought body jewlrey, but i didnt think she was foreall. So i'm down cause I'm totally up to get pierced anytime. (I got my tragus, tongue, and navel pierced twice). So we go, and Valerie goes with us, and it was hella funny but I'm gonna keep that confidential because I don't want anyone getting emotional. Daisy goes first, and she's like covering her face and good thing she didn't cry. Then it was my turn. I was chillin but I was like seriously sweatin and that's never happened to me before. I get off after I'm done and then Daisy goes, "Mine looks crooked." So our piercer puts her back on the bed thing and I'm about to fucking drop. (I just want to let you know, Daisy, that I knew it was your jewlrey.) So I tell Val that I need air and I can't walk myself so she goes out with me. I go out and I'm drifting back and forth on Val. Daisy comes out and then tells me I'm pale and then I yaked. =) There was red stuff in my puke, so I go "Val, is that blood?" and she tells me it is. Then I realized I ate hot cheetoes during 4th. So, for all you NOOBS, eat before you get pierced. I never thought it was a big deal until then.

Saturday: Studying for Finals! Yep, I had 8 hours of fun studying physiology.

That was my shitty-fun week. Hopefully, I'll have more fun next week. Cause its my last week of fucking high school. YEAHHH FUCKKK HIGH SCHOOL I'M IN COLLEGE NOW. kinda.

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