Monday, May 5, 2008

The Empire Ballroom - Bellarmine Prom

So last Saturday was the day. THe day of Bell's prom. I was uber excited cause I gotta chill with my babygirl, Joshie, and Steve for the night. I got ready around 2. I went to the Evergreen Beauty College, and they weren't as good cause they dind't have Hoy. This lady did my hair and she couldn't speak english so it made me mad that she had no idea what she was doing. So I just told her to curl it. I did my own hair at the end. Oh! And I asked them to paint my nails. And for $2 bucks, I'm thinking that there beauty college has a WIDE selection of colors. So i'm like, I'm here already, so might as well. I sit down, and the lady goes "okay what color?" And she pulls out like 3 COLORS! Purple, clear and like this greenish. I'm like uh..any other colors? She pulls out some sparklies but I just go with purple. Whatever.

Anyways, so Josh picks me up around 4:45 and we head back to his house to take some pics. He was so cutee in his white tux and he actually came in my house to get me. What a gentleman... So we get there, take some pics and head over to Steves. And might I add that his parents are the cutest! Hahaha.

Okay, so we get to Steve's and take some more pics and we head out in his CONVERTIBLE SPIDER. Yeah. Better than a limo...! So we put the hood down and it starts to mess up our hair so we were like, whatever put it back down. We put the hood down until we almost go to the school and we were BALLIN` up to the campus. Ha.

We get in, mingle, find our table, take pics, and gamble for a while. Then it was DINNER TIME! They had yummy salad, lasagna and desert. There were hella white girls up in there though, but go figure. They had on their nice ass dresses like they had 5 of them and it was nothing. Whatever. I had fun, even though the DJ sucked balls. He was playin like country and techno and 5 seconds of Hip Hop. Lame sauce. But me and Joshie had fun dancing to techno music. haha I guess... But I've never in my life seen girls dance line dancing at a dance... EVER. Is it even legal in California!? JK, don't line dance me to death now. It's okay though cause I had a great talk with Josh. Yeah, we make a pretty damn good team.

It's okay, admit that we're fly.

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