Sunday, March 2, 2008

Daisy Belle's 18th Birthday

Happy Birthday, dearest.

Yesterday was Daisy's birthday party and it was at Maggiano's. It was a pretty long day I must admit. I first went to take my mom to get a hair cut at like 2 cause Kanika wouldn't answer her phone and we were all supposed to go get Daisy a gift. Then at 3, she called and said she was just gonna go with Trav, so Jeff and I were running super late. At 4, I got ready and picked up Jeff and we went to Michael's to try to look for a frame, but they dind't have none. We decided (or Jeff decided) to switch cars because my car sucked and we picked up Steve on the way. We then went to get gas but I forgot my extra clothes, so I had to go back. So it was like 530 and we thought were gonna be late cause we had to pick up Jeff's suit still. When we got to the tailor's, they were closed. So boo for Jeff. That's okay though cause we went to Maggiano's to eat.

When we arrived, we waited for like an hour before they sat us. But whatever cause the wait was worth if cause we got helluh food. THe food never stopped coming it was just nonstop. We ate and mingled and it was pretty cool. We were gonna go to the lounge after but they were beginning to card. So we decided to go to Steve's. But only Jeff me Daisy and Steve ended up going and it was pretty sick. I talked to Steve's cat, Pepper, and she talked to me. haha. And we played pool, which pretty much was not that fun because Jeff and I lost because Steve plays everyday and he hella knows how to hit that shit. So Daisy and I went home around 1 and she slept over. We really didn't sleep until 3.

Did you know theres a word called "niglett?" Someone called Daisy that on her myspace and we looked it up on
Nigglett: An underdeveloped adolescent of the dark skinned heritage; A black male or female under the age of 10
example: That little nigglett is really fast, look at him run from those cops. He cant be any taller than 4 foot.
That's really racist and fucked up. Damn, the words people come up with. So, Daisy and I were joking and we were like, "So what are little asians - nipnits?"

We woke up between 7-8am and went to Jeff's house at 10. We just chilled and watched youtube and now I'm wiating to go to Disney Princess Wishes on Ice with Tinh and his neices. Excited!!